were not persecuted by Rome simply because they worshipped Jesus. The Romans
had many gods and they really didn’t care if Jesus got added to the mix. It was
other things that drew the ire of the crowds and the crown. In his excellent
book Church History in Plain Language, Bruce
Shelly lists three main reasons why Christians were persecuted. These included
(1) life-style, (2) slander, and (3) Caesar worship.
1. Life-style
The Christians
sought after holiness and lived lives that were very different from the pagans
around them. They didn’t worship the pagan gods. They didn’t frequent the
temples and offer sacrifices. They didn’t approve of the violence of the
gladiatorial games. They didn’t practice infanticide (but instead rescued
abandoned infants). And they had a sexual ethic vastly different from the promiscuous world
around them. Christians were therefore scorned because they refused to go along
with the normal practices of society. Shelly writes,
Thus, simply by
living according to the teachings of Jesus, the Christian was a constant
unspoken condemnation of the pagan way of life.
It was not that the Christian went about criticizing and condemning and
disapproving, nor was he consciously self-righteous and superior. It was simply
that the Christian ethic itself was a criticism of pagan life.
2. Slander
It may sound strange, but early Christians
were accused of (a) atheism, (b) incest, and (c) cannibalism. They were accused
of atheism because they denied the existence of the pagan gods. They were
accused of incest and sexual immorality because Christians met together for “love
feasts.” Love feasts were simply the early version of the Lord’s Supper, but
the hyper-sexualized non-Christians around them assumed that anything with the name “love
feast” must be something erotic. Also, since the Christians referred to each
other as “brother” and “sister” the rumor was that Christians met for
incestuous orgies at their secret meetings. Finally, Christians were also
accused of cannibalism because at these meetings Christians would, of course, eat
and drink the body and blood of their founder.
3. Caesar Worship
Christians were persecuted because they did not participate in the state-mandated
worship of Ceasar. By the time of Decius’ reign (249-251) emperor worship was
universal and compulsory. Again, it wasn’t as if Rome was telling the
Christians that they needed to stop worshipping Jesus. All they needed to do
was to burn a pinch of incense to Caesar and say with their lips, “Caesar is
Lord.” But Christians were unwilling to do that.
By way of
application, there is a lot that we can learn from each of these.
(1) When we live according to God’s plan, people of the world will resent us because of our different lifestyle. No matter how loving and kind we are, this will happen—even if we never open our mouths to “judge” anyone else. Sin loves company, not a contrast.
(2) Christians in the early church were slandered unfairly with wild accusations. We shouldn’t be surprised when the same thing happens to us today. Followers of Jesus today are unfairly accused of being narrow-minded fools, hateful bigots, anti-scientific cavemen, judgmental tyrants, hypocrites, and more. If you expected to be treated fairly by the world, I’m sorry you had that illusion.
(3) Pluralism is the order of the day. Most people won’t care if you worship Jesus—as long as you don’t think that He is the only way. That type of exclusiveness is something that our tolerant society simply cannot tolerate. Also, we may not be asked to burn incense to Caesar, but don’t be surprised when you run into other ways that you will expected to compromise your integrity in order to be considered a good citizen.
(1) When we live according to God’s plan, people of the world will resent us because of our different lifestyle. No matter how loving and kind we are, this will happen—even if we never open our mouths to “judge” anyone else. Sin loves company, not a contrast.
(2) Christians in the early church were slandered unfairly with wild accusations. We shouldn’t be surprised when the same thing happens to us today. Followers of Jesus today are unfairly accused of being narrow-minded fools, hateful bigots, anti-scientific cavemen, judgmental tyrants, hypocrites, and more. If you expected to be treated fairly by the world, I’m sorry you had that illusion.
(3) Pluralism is the order of the day. Most people won’t care if you worship Jesus—as long as you don’t think that He is the only way. That type of exclusiveness is something that our tolerant society simply cannot tolerate. Also, we may not be asked to burn incense to Caesar, but don’t be surprised when you run into other ways that you will expected to compromise your integrity in order to be considered a good citizen.
Persecution comes in many forms. Will you acquiesce or will you declare that Jesus is Lord?