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March 20, 2011

Powerman is Doomed!

This is the second to last clip from the current series.  It's very dramatic and oscar worthy.  You should watch it so that you're ready for the big finish. 

Go to and watch them all from the beginning.  We're gearing up to make another series for this summer.


  1. Hey Nate, you didn't attend Emmaus Bible College around '95 or '96 for a year or so, did you? I've been attempting to relocate a colleague with your name for over a decade. Appreciate your response directly to my email at dougengle76 at gmail dot com. Thanks!

  2. No. I graduated from Moody in 97, GRTS in 2005 and I'm currently working on a PhD from Calvin. I've never been to Emmaus. Sorry Doug!

  3. When will we find out the fate of Powerman???

    I'm dyin' here!

  4. I was really hoping for about 30,000,000 views before I posted the final episode to a massive fan base. I'm thinking about holding the final episode hostage until the videos go viral!

  5. I guess I will have to watch it a few thousand more times then...

  6. Right on. And tell your friends, eh.

    (Although I am not too sure how well YouTube counter works from counting views that aren't directly on YouTube, such as embedded videos and facebook. Sometimes it seems like there is a lag and othertime it doesn't seem like anything is happening at all. grrrrr)

  7. Ok, so, if you don't notice my 3000 views, you will know why.
